
The AVL Box

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What you need to know

Delivering the best of Asheville and Western NC! We offer weekly produce boxes and a selection of products and drinks from Western NC. Curate your own boxes and gift boxes for home delivery or free pick up at various local Pickup Locations in the area.

Local's Tip

"Being new to town, this is the perfect place to try out all the local products."

What the locals say

"It's awesome to have a local platform to receive safe grocery delivery." "I love getting a delivery of fresh local produce in the middle of a busy week, along with adds and ends we eat and use at home. It's so helpful!" "I curate all my gifts here!"

What you need to know

Delivering the best of Asheville and Western NC! We offer weekly produce boxes and a selection of products and drinks from Western NC. Curate your own boxes and gift boxes for home delivery or free pick up at various local Pickup Locations in the area.

What the locals say

"It's awesome to have a local platform to receive safe grocery delivery." "I love getting a delivery of fresh local produce in the middle of a busy week, along with adds and ends we eat and use at home. It's so helpful!" "I curate all my gifts here!"

Scoops for The AVL Box