
Beettan Asheville

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What you need to know

BEETTAN is a non-toxic, organic spray tan that is powered by 100% beet-derived DHA, which gives you a healthy, natural glow! This is a universal solution that is plant-based and the sugar from the beets (dihydroxyacetone aka DHA) reacts with the amino acids in the top 10-12 layers of your skin (stratum corneum) to activate your skin's naturally-tanned color. Each customer gets sprayed with the same solution, but their results are all different because everyone tans differently!

What you need to know

BEETTAN is a non-toxic, organic spray tan that is powered by 100% beet-derived DHA, which gives you a healthy, natural glow! This is a universal solution that is plant-based and the sugar from the beets (dihydroxyacetone aka DHA) reacts with the amino acids in the top 10-12 layers of your skin (stratum corneum) to activate your skin's naturally-tanned color. Each customer gets sprayed with the same solution, but their results are all different because everyone tans differently!

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