
Buchi Kombucha

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What you need to know

Kombucha is a living probiotic beverage made by fermenting black tea which communities have been brewing for thousands of years. It’s energizing, detoxifying and great for digestion. It’s also pretty dang tasty when it’s done well!

Local's Tip

Kombucha's origin has been lost in the mists of time, but it likely originated in ancient China and spread to Russia and Japan.

What the locals say

I discovered heaven in a bottle.....and it's locally made!!!!

What you need to know

Kombucha is a living probiotic beverage made by fermenting black tea which communities have been brewing for thousands of years. It’s energizing, detoxifying and great for digestion. It’s also pretty dang tasty when it’s done well!

What the locals say

I discovered heaven in a bottle.....and it's locally made!!!!

Scoops for Buchi Kombucha