Business profile

Dec. 19, 2023

12:00 AM - 3:00 AM


Weekly Open Mic at White Horse Black Mountain

The Scoop

White Horse’s legendary Open Mic takes place each and every Tuesday at 7pm. You'll hear a variety of wonderfully talented folks on their way up. You never know what you'll hear... original songs, covers, guitar, piano..... and often something quite surprising. Each performer gets 15 minutes or three songs. Our Open Mic has been so popular that we typically have more folks wanting to perform than we've had room for. After consulting with some of our regular attendees and participants we want to make sure that everyone has a fair chance to perform on stage. So we are trying out a new process and it seems to be very popular. First: We've expanded the number of available performance slots to 10 per night. Note: There are actually 12 spots on the list each night. . The host of Open Mic is spot 1, and the owner of White Horse (Bob Hinkle) is spot 3. That leaves 10 available spots to be drawn from the hat. Second: In place having folks lineup in advance for the signup list, we now pull names out of a hat.