Business profile

Sep. 22, 2023


The works of Layton Hower exhibited Aug 25-Sept 24th- Don't miss it!

The Scoop

Layton Hower states, "Everything is endlessly vast. The scenes we see, our routines, dusty objects at our places of work or home, all of it, is an incomprehensible mix of time, energy, feeling. Curiosity, gratitude, wonder, exploration, lots of things, are on the menu. Painting helps me make sense out of being alive: a small being in a big place, a conscious experience that feels independent in a bound and connected universe. The experience of painting is like many things. Some moments are exultant and some are challenging. Most moments though, are relatively normal. I like to think of these normal moments as a steady hum of seeking and trying, a repetitive process of unmasking something that is both so obviously present and completely unknowable." Layton Hower has painted canvases for over twenty years and has exhibited in Albuquerque and New York City. Everything is Endlessly Vast is his first show of new paintings since moving to Asheville in 2015.