Business profile

Feb. 14, 2024

11:00 PM


Middle School Throwback V-Day Mixer

The Scoop

Picture this. You've just logged off AIM after chatting with your friends about how fun the dance is going to be. You put on the put the Mix CD your BFF made you into your CD player and start getting ready. Your BFF has great taste in music. You put on a polo or a tank top. Layer another polo or tank top over it. You spray yourself with a cloud of Axe Body Spray or your favorite scent from Bath and Body Works. You wonder who you're going to slow dance with in your dimly lit, sparsely decorated school cafeteria. Life is good. Life's a little more complicated now but we're bringing some of that nineties/early 2000s nostalgia to The Whale on Valentine's Day. Bring your friends for a fun Middle School Dance themed mixer. Tunes will be curated by DJ Chaperone. We've got some fun games, like a people scavenge hunt, to play to help you meet new friends...or maybe even fall Crazy In Love. Dress up in your favorite nostalgic fashion trends. You know you want to!