Business profile

May. 31, 2024

11:00 PM



The Scoop

Edit Edit. Guaranteed slots ARE FULL!! Signups still open with priority for the next NLAVL event ✨ Edit: Slots are filling fast once we hit 25 signups open mic slots non-guaranteed!!! “No Love began a year ago as a joke amongst Facebook friends about what it was all of us single people were gonna find to do on Valentine's Day. It was suggested that I hold a show, allow artists to perform, turn up with everyone all night, and call it No Love. Well that’s exactly what I did..” -Alicia Marie ✨ Welcome to the No Love AVL Expansion ✨ “No Love” is a reoccurring all-genres concert and open mic series based in Durham, NC. The “No Love” founder Alicia Marie is a rising NC artist who works alongside 4 Phones Entertainment, an industry-leading entertainment group in the Central and Eastern NC live music scene. We have been blessed with the opportunity to expand the No Love platform into Asheville in 2024. 🚨 THIS IS NOT A PRACTICE OPEN MIC 🚨 An email will be sent 2 weeks before to all the performers who have signed up via the Google Form with a full description of the event and Artist expectations. NO LOVE AVL - MAY 31ST 2024 SLY GROG LOUNGE 271 Haywood St Asheville, NC 28801