Business profile

Sep. 11, 2024


Sour Widow & youbet

The Scoop

Eulogy Presents: Sour Widows & youbet Wednesday, September 11th, 2024 Eulogy - 10 Buxton Ave. Asheville, NC 28801 Doors 7PM || Show 8PM Sour Widows Maia Sinaiko and Susanna Thomson like to joke that they are delusional about Sour Widows, the Bay Area band they started seven years ago that is just now releasing its entrancing and powerful debut LP, ‘Revival of a Friend’. In those seven years, Sinaiko and Thomson each endured losses and hardships that at times required putting bigger plans on hold; looking back, they can only laugh at these hurdles and wonder if they should have taken them as signs—to stop, to start over, to succumb to the hardship.