Join us for a dystopian-themed, immersive theater-filled evening of music, satire, sludgey carnival games, sludge themed food & drink and so much more at SLUDGEFEST 3!! This year we are partnering with Southside Community Farm - a local community garden serving as a vital resource for free, healthy food for one of Asheville's few remaining public housing neighborhoods - to raise funds and awareness. The Sludge Carnival will begin around 4:30pm and will feature Sludge Wrestling (in collaboration with Pansy Collective), a dunk tank, a Sludge making table and art vendors. Music begins at 7pm and goes til late 🙂 A quick word from our supreme leader, Alfred Toadhand XLVII: "THIS IS YOUR HALLOWEEN PLAN THIS IS YOUR ONLY OPTION JOIN US YOU CANT MISS IT YOU WONT MISS IT EMBRACE THE SLUDGE AND LET IT EMBRACE YOU BACK INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY ELEVATE PROFITS GET OUT THERE AND REMEMBER TO VOTE IN MY ELECTION!!!!!!!!"